Saturday, 12 January 2019

now the die is shaken, now the die must fall...


12-1-19 most auspicious day; upon which I sate upon my little horse, and he threw me not, and upon which I mixed a compound, a tea, and it IS good...
the recipe, the ingredient list, is always partial, it includes not, generally, the hour the day, trace elements, the age and provenance of the constituents, the hour of their harvesting etc  reductio ad absurdum
So what it is, roughly: West Yorkshire Horses field tea: Hawthorn (leaf and berry), rosehips, licorice, fly agaric, damiana. prepared in a factory that also endorses: cat hair, incense, smoke and noise...
and a limited amount will be available thru at least one selected portal, shortly...

* the death/peortho card was pulled when the time came for a tea card. after the initial shock, it was noted how apposite, deaths just a change, and the dice-cup rune is chance, and death is a dandy and quite a fancy horseman, and his little white pony is picking up just so, and they're bearing a Yorkshire Rose flag, so, thats why.....

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