Sunday, 23 December 2018

by my Arte

some recent works

 this one, for sale on, has had the skullflower 2008 triple disc 'circulus vitiosus deus'  added as a download to incentivise it's aquisition.

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Pages from a Sketchbook

ably assisst'd by baby pru fror the photo session, I have harvested some old leaves from an old sketchbook for sale on


each page is rolled and secured with one or two strands of his tail...

Monday, 19 November 2018

Rune filled eyes

 hoi misster, wanna buy a po-nee??

 new favourite lissen, la nilsson, chrome gulls live at bayreuth

this horse snake pitcher for sale on bandcamp

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Autumnal Trinket-ture and gold shadows abound in blackbutterfly saison enfer...

another cull of coloured-in books, bright carvings from our room of roots, and black butterflies fluttering from the veve of Milo-can, pinned across the void like a dagaz rune....

and an escaped pony, keen to show his 'yorkshire forest-horse' lineage...

books, t shirts, objects and baroque noise ornamentation at