Black Sun Roof: Path of least resistance/Trash Strata: it’s
as if we force our Daemons into view by not preparing properly, by doing the
lazy half assed unthought wrong sounding/wrong pedals music, AND IT SOUNDS FUCKING AMAZING. So either
we’re savant/geniuses, OR we’ve enlisted the help of the Most Helpful Helpers,
and as we swoon and fall back at the very edge of the abyss, we are caught and
borne up into Richard Wagners Palace and Britney’s Zone.
Nor should we think
too highly of this dexterity of our wisdom when at times the wonderful harmony
created by the playing of our instrument suprises us all too much - a harmony that sounds too good for us to
dare to give credit to ourselves. Indeed, now and then someone plays with us –
good old chance; occasionally chance guides our hand, and the wisest providence
could not invent music more beautiful than what our foolish hand then produces.
Nietzsche. The Gay Science.
Past lives: for no obvious numerical reasons, I have always
felt some ‘significance’ of my birth year, 1962, a year who’s sole incident of
import for me seems to be that it was the year that marked the passing beyond
of Georges Battaille, who wrote: If I
possessed within me the musical resources to communicate my feelings, what
would eventuate would be an explosion. An explosion that, at one and the same
time, would be both a languorous demented wave of sound, and the expression of
wild joy – a joy so untamed, however, that listening to it there would be no
way of knowing if it came from my laughing or dying. And this is to some
extent, the Great Work that I continue.
Bathe in the centre of
sound, as in the continuos sound of a waterfall. Or by putting fingers in ears,
hear the sound of sounds.
Skullflower will be performing live in Stockholm on 12-01-2013